Other Natural Heritage Program Databases
Point Observation Database
The Point Observation Database (POD) was developed by the Montana Natural Heritage Program to handle survey and observation data for mammals, amphibians, and repitles in the state. A basic observation record in POD consists of species name, date, location, and accuracy of location for an observation. The database is constructed from a variety of museum collection records, as well as observations from many biologists. Access the Point Observation Database in the Natural Heritage TRACKER.
Montana Bird Distribution Database
The Montana Bird Distribution Database (MBDD) was created in 1991. MBDD stores basic information on every bird record submitted– the who,what,where, and when. Specimen data and photograph records are also stored in the database. The database is maintained by the Montana Natural Heritage Program.
The database was established by entering information from the Third Edition of Montana Bird Distribution (1985). Entries from the Third Edition do not include the source (observer), location (except latilong) and date. In addition, Third edition records represent an unknown number of actual observations. In contrast, all subsequent records added to the database represent an actual observation by a known individual at a specific time and place. Currently, there are over 500,000 records in MBD. Access the Montana Bird Distribution Database in the Natural Heritage TRACKER.