Fish and Wildlife Recommendations for Subdivision Development

  • Water Bodies
  • Big Game Winter Range
  • Public Hunting
  • Human/Bear Conflicts
  • Native Grasslands / Shrublands
  • Selected Species of Concern

Effects of Recreation on Rocky Mountain Wildlife

  • Amphibians and Reptiles
  • Birds
  • Small Mammals
  • Semi-Aquatic Mammals
  • Ungulates
  • Carnivores
  • Domestic Animals
  • Aircraft and Drones
  • Energy Development
  • Exotic Species
  • Habitat Disturbance and Human Development
  • Hunting and Fishing
  • Non-motorized Recreation
  • Pollution
  • Recreation and Tourism
  • Motorized Recreation and Roads
  • Water Recreation
  • Winter Recreation
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Note: Abstracts containing equations or symbols may be incorrect due to the loss of superscript, subscript, underline and other styles.  Refer to the original publication before citing this reference.

Wildlife Bibliographies

Fish and Wildlife Recommendations for Subdivision Development in Montana
In April of 2012, Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks (FWP) produced a working document intended for use by FWP biologists, local governments, and developers to generate an open discussion on the implementation of consistent fish and wildlife conservation recommendations for subdivision development in Montana. 

Effects of Recreation on Rocky Mountain Wildlife
In 1999, the Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society produced a report to provide resource users, managers, and decision-makers with access to the best available scientific information about the effects of recreation on wildlife and to foster good stewardship of Montana's wildlife resources for current and future generations. 

The bibliographies of literature used to develop these documents can be searched by year, wildcard, and/or filtered with the categories on the left side of this page.  Users can also export the filtered references in Excel format. 

Natural resource professionals and students interested in contributing additional references and/or annotations relevant to the effects of recreation and subdivisions on Rocky Mountain wildlife are encouraged to send them to Bryce Maxell.

If you find a report link that doesn't work or if you have comments or questions, please let us know at