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2025Pipp, Andrea, Bonnie Heidel, and Kenda Herman. 2025. Physaria pachyphylla (Thick-leaf Bladderpod) in Montana and Wyoming: Field Surveys and Status Assessment, 1983-2024. January 27th. Report to the USDI Bureau of Land Management, Montana/Dakotas State Office, Billings, Montana and Wyoming State Office, Laramie, Wyoming. Prepared by the Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana and Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, Laramie, Wyoming. 51 pp.

2024Pipp, Andrea and Kenda Herman. 2024. An Analysis of the Montana Citizen Botany Pilot Study, 2022 to 2024.Revised November 4th. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 76pp.

2022Pipp, Andrea. 2022. A proposed framework for developing a Montana Citizen Botany Program. Montana Natural Heritage Program and Montana Native Plant Society. 39pp.

2021Montana Natural Heritage Program. 2021. Conservation Status Assessment Definitions, Process, Rank Factors, and Calculation of State Ranks for Montana Species. MTNHP. Helena, MT. 18 p.

2021Pipp, Andrea. 2021. Field-testing the Ground Layer Indicator for Rangelands on BLM-AIM Plots in Montana. June 30th. Prepared for the Bureau of Land Management, Billings, Montana. Prepared by the Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 64 pages

2020Pipp, Andrea. 2020. Memorandum reporting on the 2019 Spalding's Catchfly (Silene Spaldingii) Data Collection in Montana. Prepared for the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation, Pablo, Montana and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Montana Ecological Services Field Office, Helena, Montana. Prepared by the Montana Natural Heritage program, Helena, Montana.

2020Pipp, Andrea. 2020. Three-year baseline monitoring study for Silene spaldingii on the Flathead Indian Reservation: Year 2019 and 2017-2019 summary. May15th. Report to the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation, Pablo, Montana and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Montana Ecological Servies Field Office, Helena, Montana. Prepared by the Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 84 pp.

2020Pipp, Andrea. 2020. Ute Ladies'-Tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) Brochure. Montana Natural Heritage Program for the Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2 pages.

2019Pipp, A. 2019. Memorandum reporting on the 2019 Spalding's Catchfly (Silene Spaldingii) Data Collection in Montana: Species Occurrence (SO) re-visits on the Flathead Indian Reservation. Memorandum to the Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribe and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2 May 2019. 7 pp plus appendices.

2019Pipp, A. 2019. Three-year baseline monitoring study for Silene spaldingii on the Flathead Indian Reservation: Year 2018. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana.

2018Elliott, J.C. and A.K. Pipp. 2018. A Checklist of Montana Mosses (1880-2018). Updated 3 January, 2020. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 73 pp.

2018Pipp, Andrea. 2018. An Exploratory Study Using the Ground Layer Indicator Method in Montana Rangelands. October 23. Prepared for the Bureau of Land Management, Billings, Montana. Prepared by the Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 42 pages

2018Pipp, Andrea. 2018. Three-Year Baseline Monitoring Studies for Silene spaldingii on the Flathead Indian Reservation: Year 2017. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana.

2017Pipp, A. 2017. An analysis of disturbance in buffers surrounding occupied Water Howellia (Howellia aquatilis) ponds and unoccupied ponds in Montana. Prepared for the USFWS, MT Ecological Services Field Office, Helena, MT. Prepared by the MTNHP, Helena, Montana. 19 p. + appendix.

2017Pipp, Andrea. 2017. Coefficient of Conservatism Rankings for the Flora of Montana: Part III. December 15th. Report to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Helena, Montana. Prepared by the Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 107 pp.

2017Williams, E and A. White. 2017. Howell's Gumweed (Grindelia howellii) Genetic Diversity and Conservation Lab Report. National Forest Genetics Laboratory (NFGEL) Project #333. Prepared by Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe, Illinois under contract with NFGEL, Placerville, California. Prepared for Karen Stockmann, USFS Botanist, Lolo National Forest, Missoula, Montana.

2016Pipp, A. 2016. Coefficient of Conservatism Rankings for the Flora of Montana: Part II. Report to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Helena, Montana. Prepared by the Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 73 pp.

2016Pipp, A. 2016. Monitoring Shoshonea pulvinata in the Pryor and Beartooth Mountains, Carbon County, Montana: 1991-2015 Trend Report. Report for the Bureau of Land Management. Prepared by the Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, Montana. 29 pp + appendices

2015Pipp, A. 2015. Coefficient of Conservatism Rankings for the Flora of Montana: Part I. Report to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Helena, Montana. Prepared by the Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 73 pp.

2009Mincemoyer, Scott. 2009. Globally rare plants of Montana: Status assessments of globally rare vascular plants. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 18 pp. plus appendices.

2007Mincemoyer, Scott. 2007. Surveys for significant plant resources and related vegetation types for the Missoula Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management, 2006 survey results. Montana Natural Heritage Program. 14pp.

2006Mincemoyer, S. 2006. Surveys of Significant Plant Resources in Southeast and South-central Montana on the Billings and Miles City Field Offices of the Bureau of Land Management. Report to the USDI Bureau of Land Management, Billings and Miles City Field Offices. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 22 pp. plus appendices.

2006Mincemoyer, S. and S. Cooper. 2006. Surveys for significant plant resources and related vegetation types for the Missoula Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management in the Hoodoo Mountain and Flint Creek watersheds. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MT. 14pp.

2006Stagliano, D.M., S. Mincemoyer, and B.A. Maxell. 2006. An Integrative Biological Assessment of Sites in the Custer National Forest Ashland Ranger District. Report to the Custer National Forest, Ashland Ranger District. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 30 pp. plus appendices.

2005Mincemoyer, S. 2005. Conservation strategy for Silene spaldingii (Spalding's catchfly) in Montana. Prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 39 pp. + appendices.

2005Mincemoyer, S. 2005. Range-wide status assessment of Howellia aquatilis (water howellia). Prepared for the U.S.F.W.S. Helena, MT: Montana Natural Heritage Program. 21 p. + appendices.

2005Mincemoyer, S. 2005. Surveys of significant plant resources and related vegetation types for the Butte Office of the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 11 pp + appendices.

2004Barton, D. and S. Crispin. 2004. Conservation status of Botrychium lineare (slender moonwort) in Montana. Report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 16 pp. plus appendices.

2004Mincemoyer, S. 2004. Range-wide status assessment of Cirsium longistylum (long-styled thistle). Report to Burnett Land, LLC. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 22 pp. + appendices.

2003Barton, D. and S. Crispin. 2003. Globally significant plants in southeastern Big Horn and southwestern Rosebud Counties, Montana. Prepared for the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 26 pp. plus appendices.

2003Lesica, P. 2003. Conserving globally rare plants on lands administered by the Dillon Office of the Bureau of Land Management. Report to the USDI Bureau of Land Management, Dillon Office. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 22 pp. plus appendices.

2002Barton, D. and S. Crispin. 2002. Sensitive plant species in weed management areas on the Helena National Forest: final report. Prepared for the Helena National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 17 pp. plus appendices.

2002Jones, M. 2002. Profiles of conservation sites for spiranthes diluvialis Sheviak in southwestern Montana. Unpublished Report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 9 Pages Plus Appendices.

2002Taylor, A. and R. Caners. 2002. Baseline survey for Astragalus barrii Barneby (Barr's milkvetch) and Physaria didymocarpa var. lanata A. Nels. (woolly twinpod) in eastern Big Horn and southwestern Rosebud Counties, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 27 pp.

2001Heidel, B. 2001. Monitoring Shoshonea pulvinata in the Pryor and Beartooth Mountains, Carbon County, MT. 1999 trend report to Bureau of Land Management, MT. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 11 pp. plus appendices.

2001Heidel, B. and W. Fertig. 2001. Vascular plant species checklist of Big Horn Canyon National Recreation Area, Montana and Wyoming. Prepared for the National Parks Service - Big Horn Canyon National Recreation Area and the Greater Yellowstone Network. 73 pages.

2001Heidel, B.L. 2001. Conservation status of Rorippa calycina (persistent-sepal yellowcress) in Montana. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT.

2001Heidel, B.L. 2001. Monitoring Ute ladies'-tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis), in Jefferson County, Montana: final report, 1996-2000. Report to Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 11 pp. plus appendices.

2001Heidel, B.L. and J.S. Shelly. 2001. The effects of fire on Lemhi penstemon (Penstemon lemhiensis)-final monitoring report, 1995-2000. Report to the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest and the Dillon Field Office-Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 22 pp. plus appendices.

2001Weber, W.L. and S.R. Crispin. 2001. Potential habitat for sensitive plant species in noxious weed treatment areas, Helena National Forest. Report to the U.S. Forest Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 9 pp. plus appendix.

2000Heidel, B.L. and W. Fertig. 2000. Rare plants of Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area. Report to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, National Park Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program and Wyoming Natural Diversity Database. Helena and Laramie. 63 pp. plus appendices.

2000Heidel, B.L., S.V. Cooper and C. Jean. 2000. Plant species of special concern and plant associations of Sheridan County, Montana. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 96 p.

1999Heidel, B. and J. Vanderhorst. Plant species status summaries. Report to Bureau of Land Management, Billings.

1999Heidel, B.L. And J.S. Shelly. 1999. The effects of fire on Penstemon lemhiensis: interim monitoring report, 1997 and 1998. Unpublished Report to the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest and the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program,

1998Cooper, S.V. and B.L. Heidel. 1998. Botanical and vegetation survey of Carter County, Montana. Unpublished report to Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 116 pp. + app.

1998Heidel, B.L. 1998. Conservation status of Spiranthes diluvialis Sheviak in Montana. Unpublished report to U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 55 pp. + appendices.

1998Heidel, B.L. and S.V. Cooper. 1998. Botanical survey of the Scratchgravel Hills, Lewis & Clark County, Montana. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 44 pp. + appendices.

1998Lesica, P. 1998. Conservation status of Carex parryana ssp. idahoa in Montana. Unpublished report to Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 32 pp. plus appendices.

1998Shapley, M. 1998. Preliminary evaluation of basin morphometry and field chemistry of Montana's howellia aquatilis ponds. Prepared for Flathead National Forest and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 7pp. plus appendices.

1998Shelly, J. S., P. Lesica, P. G. Wolf, P. S. Soltis, and D. E. Soltis. In Progress. Systematics and conservation status of Claytonia lanceolata var. flava (Portulacaceae). 26 Pp.

1998Vanderhorst, J.P. and B.L. Heidel. 1998. Conservation status of Lomatium attenuatum Evert (Apiaceae) in Montana. Unpublished report for the Bureau of Land Management.

1998Vanderhorst, J.P., S.V. Cooper, and B.L. Heidel. 1998. Botanical and vegetation survey of Carter County, Montana. Unpublished report prepared for the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 116 pp. + app.

1997Elliott, J. and T. Spribille. 1997. Preliminary list of mosses of the Kootenai National Forest. Unpublished report to the Kootenai National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 21 pages.

1997Heidel, B. L. 1997. Preliminary Botanical Survey Tongue River Area, Montana. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 11 pp. plus appendices and map.

1997Heidel, B.L. 1997. Woodhawk botanical survey, Fergus County, Montana. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 43 pp. plus appendices.

1997Heidel, B.L. and J.S. Shelly. 1997. The effects of fire on Penstemon lemhiensis - monitoring establishment report, 1995 and 1996. Unpublished report to the Beaverhead National Forest and the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 11 pp. plus appendices.

1997Heidel, B.L. and S.V. Cooper. 1997. Botanical Survey of the Alkali Lake area, Blackfeet Nation. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 35 pp. + app.

1997Shapley, M. and P. Lesica. 1997. Howellia aquatilis (Water Howellia) ponds of the Swan Valley: conceptual hydrologic models and ecological implications. Unpublished report to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program and Conservation Biology Research. Helena 44 pp.

1997Vanderhorst, J., B.L. Heidel, J. Pierce, and S.V. Cooper. 1997. Botanical survey of the Ruby Range, Madison County, Montana. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management Dillon Resource Area. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 47. pp. plus appendices.

1997Vanderhorst, J.P. 1997. Conservation assessment of sensitive moonworts (Botrychium subgenus Botrychium) on the Kootenai National Forest. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 82 pp. plus appendices.

1997Vanderhorst, J.P. 1997. Status review of Clarkia rhomboidea in Montana. Unpublished report to the Kootenai National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 19 pp. plus appendices.

1996Heidel, B.L. and H. Marriott. 1996. Sensitive plant species survey of the Ashland District, Custer National Forest, Powder River and Rosebud Counties, Montana. Unpublished report to the U.S. Forest Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 94 pp. plus appendices.

1996Heidel, B.L. and J. Vanderhorst. 1996. Sensitive plant species surveys in the Butte District, Beaverhead and Madison Counties. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana.

1996Lesica, P. 1996. Effects of Grazing On Arabis Fecunda - 1996 Progress Report to Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Mt. 5 Pp Plus Appendices.

1996Lesica, P. and B. Heidel. 1996. Pollination biology of Silene spaldingii. Unpublished report to the Montana Field Office of The Nature Conservancy. Montana Natural Heritage Program.

1996Lesica, P. and S. V. Cooper. 1996. Vegetation Dynamics in the Centennial Sandhills, Beaverhead County, Montana: Description and Model with Utility for Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena.

1996Montana Natural Heritage Program. 1996. Plant characterization abstracts: Sensitive plant species USDA Forest Service Region 1. Report Order No. 43-0343-5-0148. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MT. 196 pp.

1996Shelly, J.S. and J. Gamon. 1996. Howellia aquatilis (Water Howellia) recovery plan [Technical draft]. Unpublished report to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 58 p.

1996Vanderhorst, J.P. 1996. Status report on sensitive lady's slipper orchids (Cypripedium calceolus var. parviflorum and Cypripedium passerinum) on the Kootenai National Forest. Unpublished report to the Kootenai National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 27 pp. plus appendices.

1995Baldwin, C.T., and S.J. Brunsfeld. 1995. Preliminary genetic analysis of Silene spaldingii (Spalding's catchfly), a candidate threatened species. Wildland Plant Ecogenetics Cooperative, University of Idaho, in cooperation with Montana Natural Heritage Program. Not paged.

1995Cooper, S.V. and R.L. DeVelice. 1995. Matrix of plant community/association types by state and global rank and occurrence by Bureau of Land Management Resource Area: with forward explaining compilation and use of matrix. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program.

1995Cooper, S.V., P. Lesica, R.L. DeVelice, and T. McGarvey. 1995. Classification of southwestern Montana plant communities: Emphasizing those of Dillon Resource Area, Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 154 pp.

1995DeVelice, R.L., S.V. Cooper, J.T. McGarvey, J. Lichthardt, and P.S. Bourgeron. 1995. Plant communities of northeastern Montana: a first approximation. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 116 pp.

1995Heidel, B.L. 1995. Sensitive plant survey at the southern end of the Elkhorn Mountains, Broadwater and Jefferson Counties, Montana. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 12 pp. plus appendices.

1995Heidel, B.L. 1995. Whitehall botanical site evaluation, Jefferson County, Montana. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MT. 26 pp. plus appendices.

1995Lesica, P. 1995. Conservation status of Castilleja longispica on Custer and Gallatin National Forests, Montana. Unpublished report to the U.S.D.A. Forest Service Region One, Missoula, MT. Montana Natural Heritage Program. 44 pp. plus appendices.

1995Lesica, P. 1995. Conservation status of Haplopappus carthamoides var. subsquarrosus in Montana. Unpublished report to the U.S. Forest Service and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, Montana. 22 pp. plus appendices.

1995Lesica, P. 1995. Conservation status of Lesquerella lesicii in Montana. Unpublished report to the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program. 16 pp. plus appendices.

1995Lesica, P. 1995. Vegetation and flora of Ambrose Fen, Flathead County, Montana. Unpublished report. The Nature Conservancy, Helena, MT. 9 pp.

1995Lesica, P. and J. Vanderhorst. 1995. Sensitive plant survey of the Sage Creek area, Beaverhead County, Montana, Dillon Resource Area, Bureau of Land Management. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program. 36 pp. plus appendices.

1995Shelly, J.S. and B.L. Heidel. 1995. Demographic monitoring of Penstemon lemhiensis in southwest Montana - final report. Unpublished report to the Beaverhead National Forest and the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program 26 pp. plus appendices.

1995Vanderhorst, J.P. 1995. Report on the conservation status of Lesquerella carinata var. languida, a candidate threatened species. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana 56 pp.

1995Vanderhorst, J.P. 1995. Sensitive plant survey in the Horse Prairie Creek drainage, Beaverhead County, Montana. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management, Butte District. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 42 pp. plus appendices.

1995Vanderhorst, J.P. 1995. Survey of Bannack State Park and vicinity for Montana plant species of special concern. Unpublished report to Bannack State Park, Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 43 pp.

1995Vanderhorst, J.P. and B.L. Heidel. 1995. Sensitive plant survey in the Tobacco Root Mountains, Madison County, Montana. Unpublished report to the Beaverhead and Deerlodge National Forests. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MT. 66 pp. plus appendices.

1995Vanderhorst, J.P. and P. Lesica. 1995a. Sensitive plant survey of the Tendoy Mountains in the Beaverhead National Forest, Beaverhead County, Montana. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management, Butte District. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 59 pp. plus appendices.

1994Brunsfeld, S.J. and C.T. Baldwin. 1994. Preliminary genetic analysis of Cirsium longistylum (Long-styled thistle), a candidate threatened species. Unpublished report prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 4. Wildland Plant Ecogenetics Cooperative, in cooperation with the Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 20 pp. plus appendices.

1994Heidel, B. 1994. Potential impact of proposed noxious weed treatment at Bluewater Fish Hatchery (MDFWP) on plant species of special concern. Unpublished report to Gary Shaver, Bluewater Fish Hatchery. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 5 pp.

1994Heidel, B.L. 1994. Monitoring study of Cirsium longistylum (long-styled thistle), a candidate threatened species. Unpublished report prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 4. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 32 pp.

1994Heidel, B.L. 1994. Sensitive plant species survey in Garfield and McCone Counties, Montana. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 58 pp. plus appendices.

1994Heidel, B.L. 1994. Sensitive plant survey in the Sweetgrass Hills, Liberty and Toole Counties, Montana. Unpublished report for the Great Falls Resource Area, Lewistown District, Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT.

1994Heidel, B.L. 1994. Status review of sword townsendia (Townsendia spathulata) and Limestone Hills survey, Broadwater County, Montana. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management, Butte District. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 14 pp. plus appendices.

1994Heidel, B.L. 1994. Survey for Psoralea hypogaea in the Great Falls Resource Area, Lewistown District. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 22 pp. plus appendices.

1994Kerstetter, T. 1994. Interim report on the taxonomy of erigeron lackschewitzii. Unpublished report to the Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 16 pp.

1994Kerstetter, T.A. 1994. Taxonomic investigation of Erigeron lackschewitzii. M.Sc. Thesis. Bozeman, MT: Montana State University. 90 p.

1994Lesica, P. 1994. Demographic monitoring of Astragalus scaphoides at two sites in Montana and Idaho: final report. Unpublished report for the Bureau of Land Management, Butte District. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT.

1994Lesica, P. 1994. Sensitive plant survey of BLM lands along the Big Hole River and in the Whitehall Valley. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 13 pp.

1994Lesica, P. 1994. Vegetation map of the rare plant community types in the Pryor Mountains and Pryor Mountain desert, Carbon County, Montana. Unpublished report for the Miles City District, Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 6 pp. plus 6 map sheets.

1994Lesica, P. and K. Ahlenslager. 1994. Demographic monitoring of three species of Botrychium (Ophioglossaceae) in Waterton Lakes Park, Alberta: 1993 progress report. Unpublished report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 19 pp.

1994Lesica, P., and J.S. Shelly. 1994. Demography and life history of Arabis fecunda in Ravalli and Beaverhead counties, Montana. Unpublished report to the Beaverhead National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 29 pp.

1994Vanderhorst, J.P. 1994. Sensitive plant surveys in the Gallatin National Forest, Montana. Unpublished report to the Gallatin National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 54 pp.

1994Vanderhorst, J.P. 1994. Survey for sensitive plant species in the vicinity of Lemhi Pass, Beaverhead County, Montana. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 5 pp. + app.

1994Vanderhorst, J.P. 1994. Survey for sensitive plant species on Bureau of Land Management lands in the vicinity of Lemhi Pass, Beaverhead County. Unpublished report to the Butte District, Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 5 pp. plus appendices.

1994Vanderhorst, J.P. 1994. Survey for sensitive plant species on Doherty Mountain, Jefferson County. Unpublished report to the Butte District, Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 5 pp. plus appendices.

1994Vanderhorst, J.P. 1994a. Survey for sensitive plants on Dutchman Mountain, Beaverhead County, Montana. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 5 pp. + app.

1994Vanderhorst, J.P. and P. Lesica. 1994. Sensitive plant species survey in the Tendoy Mountains, Beaverhead County, MT. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 36 pp. plus appendices

1993Culver, D.R. 1993. Sensitive plant species inventory in the Centennial Valley, Beaverhead County, Montana. Unpublished report to the Butte District, Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, 42 pp. plus appendices.

1993DeVelice, R.L. and P. Lesica. 1993. Plant community classification for vegetation on BLM lands, Pryor Mountains, Carbon County, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 78 pp.

1993Heidel, B.L. 1993. Report on the conservation status of Erigeron lackschewitzii, a candidate threatened species. Unpublished report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 57 pp.

1993Heidel, B.L. 1993. Status review of Lesquerella sp. novum, Butte District Bureau of Land Management, Montana. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 40 pp.

1993Heidel, B.L. 1993. Survey for Quercus macrocarpa in the Powder River Resource Area, Miles City District, Bureau of Land Management, Montana. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management, Miles City District. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 13 pp. plus appendices.

1993Heidel, B.L. and J.S. Shelly. 1993. Demographic monitoring of Penstemon lemhiensis, Dillon Resource Area, Bureau of Land Management: 1992 Progress Report. Unpublished Report to the Bureau of Land Management, Dillon Resource Area. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 18 pp.

1993Kerstetter, T.A. 1993. Preliminary report on taxonomy of erigeron lackschewitzii. Unpublished report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 12 pp.

1993Lesica, P. 1993. Demographic monitoring of Astragalus scaphoides at two sites in Montana and Idaho: 1992 progress report. Prepared for Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Mt. 16 Pp.

1993Lesica, P. 1993. Effects of grazing on Arabis fecunda: 1993 progress report. Unpublished report for the Bureau of Land Management, Butte District. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 6 pp plus appendices.

1993Lesica, P. 1993. Monitoring populations of Shoshonea pulvinata in the Pryor and Beartooth Mountains, Carbon County, Montana: 1991-1993 baseline report. Unpublished report prepared for the Bureau of Land Management, Miles City District. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 6 pp. plus appendices.

1993Lesica, P. 1993. Report on the conservation status of Arabis fecunda, a candidate threatened species. Unpublished report (update) to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 52 pp.

1993Lesica, P. 1993. Vegetation and flora of the Line Creek Plateau area, Carbon County, Montana. Unpublished report to USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 30 pp.

1993Lesica, P. and J. S. Shelly. 1993. Demographic monitoring of Arabis fecunda populations in the Sapphire and Beaverhead Ranges, Montana. 1992 progress report. 20 pp. plus appendix.

1993Mantas, M. 1993. Ecology and reproductive biology of Epipactis gigantea Dougl. (Orchidaceae) in northwestern Montana. M.S. thesis. University of Idaho. 73 pp.

1993Poole, J.M. and B.L. Heidel. 1993. A taxonomic assessment and monitoring study of the Long-styled Thistle (Cirsium longistylum). Unpublished report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 97 pp.

1993Poole, J.M. and B.L. Heidel. 1993. Sensitive plant surveys in the Big Belt and Elkhorn Mountains, Helena National Forest, Montana. Unpublished report to the Helena National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MT. 129 pp. plus printouts, maps.

1993Shelly, J.S. And B.L. Heidel. 1993. Demographic monitoring of Penstemon lemhiensis in the Beaverhead National Forest, 1992 progress report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Mt. 15 Pp.

1993Vanderhorst, J. P. 1993. Monitoring of Agastache cusickii in the Tendoy Mountains of Southwestern Montana: Establishment Report. Unpublished Report to the Bureau of Land Management, Butte District, Dillon Resource Area. Montana Natural Heritage Program, H

1993Vanderhorst, J.P. 1993. Rapid ecological assessment of selected state lands in southcentral Montana for plant species of special concern. Unpublished report to the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Parks Division, Region Five. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 30 pp.

1993Vanderhorst, J.P. 1993. Survey for Botrychium paradoxum in the vicinity of Storm Lake, Deerlodge National Forest. Unpublished report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 45 pp.

1992Achuff, P. L. and L. S. Roe. 1992. Botanical survey of the Goat Flat proposed Research Natural Area, Deerlodge National Forest. Unpublished report to the Deerlodge National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 31 pp.

1992Achuff, P.L. 1992. Demographic monitoring of Penstemon lemhiensis, Dillon Resource Area, Bureau of Land Management: establishment and progress report. Unpublished report for the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 11 pp.

1992Achuff, P.L. 1992. Demographic monitoring of Penstemon lemhiensis. Unpublished report for the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 11 pp.

1992Achuff, P.L. 1992. Status review of Botrychium minganense USDA Forest Service Region 1 Lolo National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 26 pp.

1992Achuff, P.L. 1992. Status review update of Goodyera repens, Lewis & Clark National Forest. Unpublished report to the Lewis & Clark National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 38 pp.

1992DeVelice, R.L. 1992. Composition and ecological significance of shrublands/grasslands immediately west of Helena Regional Airport. Report to Don L. Brown, Boardmember, Helena Regional Airport. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 7 pp.

1992DeVelice, R.L. and S. Chadde. 1992. Biodiversity significance of vegetation types on the Wallace Ranch, Montana. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena and USDA Forest Service, Missoula, MT. 6 pp.

1992Heidel, B.L. 1992. Survey of Cypripedium calceolus: USDI Bureau of Land Management, Butte District, Garnet Resource Area, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 10 Pp. Plus Figures.

1992Lesica, P. 1992. Conservation status of Chrysothamnus parryi ssp. montanus on Beaverhead National Forest, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 21 pp.

1992Lesica, P. 1992. Monitoring populations of Shoshonea pulvinata in the Pryor and Beartooth Mountains, Carbon County, Montana: 1992 progress report. Unpublished report prepared by the Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT.

1992Lesica, P. 1992. The occurrence of Arabis fecunda on BLM lands in the Humbug Spires area, Silver Bow County. Unpublished report to the BLM. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, Montana. 6 pp.

1992Lesica, P. 1992. Vascular plant and sensitive plant species inventory for the Highland Mountains, Deerlodge National Forest. Unpublished report prepared for the Deerlodge National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 21 pp. plus appendices, photographs.

1992Lesica, P. and P.L. Achuff. 1992. Conservation status of Eriogonum x lagopus in southern Carbon County, Montana. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 19 pp.

1992Lesica, P. and P.L. Achuff. 1992. Distribution of vascular plant species of special concern and limited distribution in the Pryor Mountain desert, Carbon County, Montana. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 105 pp.

1992Poole, J.M. 1992. Results of field surveys for Allotropa virgata in the Beaverhead and Deerlodge National Forests. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 11 pp. plus appendix.

1992Roe, L.S. 1992. Establishment Report for Exclosure Studies of Arabis fecunda, Butte District. Unpublished Report to the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Mt. 6 Pp.

1992Roe, L.S. 1992. Status review of Allotropa virgata, U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Region 1, Bitterroot and Deerlodge National Forests, Montana. Unpublished report, Montana Natural Heritage Program 71pp.

1992Roe, L.S. 1992. Status review of Aquilegia brevistyla, USDA Forest Service, Region 1, Lewis & Clark National Forest. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 47 pp.

1992Roe, L.S. 1992. Taxonomic and demographic studies of Cirsium longistylum in the Little Belt Mountains, Montana. Prepared for the USDA Forest Service, Region 1, Lewis & Clark National Forest, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 23 pp.

1992Roe, L.S. 1992. Update to the status review of Claytonia lanceolata var. Flava, USDA Forest Service, Region 1, Gallatin National Forest. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 65 pp.

1992Roe, L.S. and J.S. Shelly. 1992. Update to the status review of Howellia aquatilis: field surveys, monitoring studies, and transplant experiments. Unpublished report to the Flathead National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 51 pp.

1992Shelly, J.S. And P.L. Achuff. 1992. Demographic monitoring of Penstemon lemhiensis, Beaverhead National Forest: 1991 progress report. Unpublished Report to the Beaverhead National Forest, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Mt. 19 Pp.

1991Achuff, P. and L.A. Schassberger. 1991. Status review of Goodyera repens, USDA Forest Service, Region 1, Lewis & Clark National Forest. Unpublished report to the Lewis & Clark National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 52 pp.

1991Achuff, P.L. and J.S. Shelly. 1991. Demographic monitoring of Penstemon lemhiensis, Beaverhead National Forest, 1990 progress report. Unpublished report on file at: Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 34 p.

1991DeVelice, R.L. 1991. Plant community survey of the Buck Demone Ranch, Fergus County, Montana. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 17 pp.

1991DeVelice, R.L., J. Lichthardt, and P.S. Bourgeron. 1991. A preliminary classification of the plant communities of northeastern Montana. Prepared for the Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MT. 144 pp.

1991Lesica, P. 1991. Demographic monitoring of Arabis fecunda in the Pioneer Range, Beaverhead National Forest, Montana: 1989-1991. Unpublished Report to the Beaverhead National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana, 42 Pp.

1991Lesica, P. 1991. Demographic monitoring of Astragalus scaphoides at Sheep Corral Gulch, Beaverhead County, Montana: 1991 progress report. Unpublished Report to the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Mt. 20 Pp.

1991Lesica, P. And J. S. Shelly. 1991. The effects of cryptogamic soil crust on the population dynamics of Arabis fecunda (Brassicaceae). Prepared for Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Mt. 17 Pp.

1991Lesica, P. and J.S. Shelly. 1991. Demographic monitoring of Arabis fecunda in the Pioneer Range, Beaverhead National Forest, Montana: 1990 progress report. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 30 pp.

1991Lesica, P. And J.S. Shelly. 1991. Demographic monitoring of Arabis fecunda in the Sapphire Range, Ravalli County, Montana: 1990 progress report. Unpublished Report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Mt. 6 Pp. And Appendices.

1991Lesica, P. and J.S. Shelly. 1991. Sensitive, threatened and endangered vascular plants of Montana. Occasional Publication No. 1. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 88 pp.

1991Lesica, P. and J.S. Shelly. 1991. The effect of the introduced weed Centaurea maculosa on Arabis fecunda, a threatened Montana endemic. Prepared for Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 15 pp. plus appendix.

1991Lesica, P. and P.L. Achuff. 1991. Monitoring populations of Shoshonea pulvinata in the Pryor and Beartooth Mountains: 1991 establishment report. Unpublished report to the Montana State Office, Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 26 pp.

1991Mitchell-Olds, T. 1991. Electrophoretic variation in Arabis fecunda, a rare endemic of western Montana. Unpublished report prepared for the Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 8 pp.

1991Pavek, D.S. 1991. Update to the report on the conservation status of Grindelia howellii, a candidate threatened species. Unpublished report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana 66 pp.

1991Roe, L.S. 1991. Status review of Cirsium subniveum on the Beaverhead National Forest, USDA Forest Service, Region 1, Montana. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 37 pp.

1991Roe, L.S. 1991. Status review of Mertensia bella, USDA Forest Service, Region 1, Lolo National Forest, Montana. Unpublished report to the Lolo National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MT. 27 pp.

1991Schassberger, L.A. 1991. Rare plant inventory of the East Pioneer Mountains. Prepared for the USDA Forest Service, Region 1, Beaverhead National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 55 pp.

1991Schassberger, L.A. 1991. Report on the conservation status of Cirsium longistylum, a candidate threatened species. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 92 pp.

1991Schassberger, L.A. 1991. Status Review of Lesquerella carinata and Lesquerella paysonii USDA Forest Service - Region 1 Deerlodge National Forest. Prepared for the USDA Forest Service, Region 1, Deerlodge National Forest, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 40 pp.

1991Schassberger, L.A. and J.S. Shelly. 1991. Update to the status review of Howellia aquatilis: field surveys, monitoring studies, and transplant experiments 1990. Prepared for the USDA Forest Service, Flathead National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 57 pp.

1991Schassberger, L.A. and P.L. Achuff. 1991. Status review of Cirsium longistylum, Lewis & Clark National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MT 78 pp.

1991Schassberger, L.A. and P.L. Achuff. 1991. Status review of Phlox kelseyi var. Missoulensis. Prepared for the USDA Forest Service, Region 1, Lewis & Clark National Forest, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 37 pp.

1990Achuff, P.L. and J.S. Shelly. 1990. Report on the conservation status of Lesquerella humilis, a candidate threatened species. Unpublished report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 37 pp.

1990De Velice, R. L. 1990. Grassland and shrubland communities on United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management lands in Montana: a proposal. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 21 pp.

1990DeVelice, R.L. 1990. Plant communities of the Kevin Rim, Toole County, Montana: preliminary survey results. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 14 pp.

1990Mathews, S.Y. 1990. Cirsium longistylum project: summary report. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 3 pp.

1990Pavek, D. and L.A. Schassberger. 1990. Status review of Agoseris lackschewitzii, USDA Forest Service, Region 1, Gallatin National Forest. Unpublished report to the Gallatin National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 52 pp.

1990Schassberger, L.A. 1990. Report on the conservation status of Astragalus barrii: a candidate threatened species. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MT. 86 PP.

1990Schassberger, L.A. 1990. Status review of Arabis fecunda USDA Forest Service - Region 1 Beaverhead National Forest. Unpublished Report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 45 pp.

1990Schassberger, L.A. 1990. Update to the report on the conservation status of Arabis fecunda, a candidate threatened species. Unpublished Report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 16 pp. plus appendic

1990Schassberger, L.A. and J.S. Shelly. 1990. Sensitive plant surveys in the Bull River and adjacent drainages, USDA Forest Service, Region 1, Kootenai National Forest. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 60 pp.

1990Schassberger, L.A. And J.S. Shelly. 1990. Status Review and Taxonomic Studies of Astragalus molybdenus, Lewis & Clark National Forest. Unpublished Report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 45 pp.

1990Shelly, J.S. 1990. Report on the conservation status of Penstemon lemhiensis, a candidate threatened species: Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 89 pp.

1990Shelly, J.S. 1990. Status review update and establishment of demographic monitoring studies: Penstemon lemhiensis. Prepared for U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service - Region 1, Beaverhead and Bitterroot National Forests, Montana. 61 pp.

1990Shelly, J.S. and L.A. Schassberger. 1990. Update to the status review of Howellia aquatilis: field surveys, monitoring studies, and transplant experiments, 1989. Unpublished report to the Flathead National Forest, Kalispell, MT. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 50 pp.

1989Lesica, P. 1989. The vegetation and flora of glaciated prairie potholes on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Montana. Unpublished report to Big Sky Field Office, The Nature Conservancy, Helena, MT, 26 pp.

1989Mathews, S. 1989. Sensitive plant surveys, Gallatin National Forest, Montana. Unpubl. Rep. USDA, Forest Service, Bozeman, Montana and Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 85 pp.

1989Mathews, S.Y. 1989. Sensitive plant surveys, 1989: United States Forest Service, Region 1, Gallatin National Forest, Montana. Unpublished report to the USDA Forest Service, Gallatin National Forest, Bozeman, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 85 pp.

1989Shelly, J.S. 1989. Addendum to the status review of Howellia aquatilis, USDA Forest Service, Region 1, Flathead National Forest, Montana. Unpublished report to the U.S. Forest Service, Region 1. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 17 pp.

1989Shelly, J.S. 1989. Status review of Claytonia lanceolata var. Flava, Beaverhead, Deerlodge and Gallatin National Forests, Montana. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 42 pp.

1989Shelly, J.S. 1989. Update to the report on the conservation status of Claytonia lanceolata var. flava, a candidate threatened taxon. Unpublished Report to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Mt. 39 Pp.

1989Westech, Inc. [Western Technology and Engineering]. 1989. Rare plant inventory and plant community descriptions of the Sweet grass Hills Proposed Area of Critical Environmental Concern (PACEC), Toole and Liberty Counties, Montana. Unpublished report to USDI Bureau of Land Management, Great Falls, Montana, 36 pp. plus appendices.

1988Lesica, P. And J.S. Shelly. 1988. The ecology of Arabis fecunda: long-term monitoring, knapweed removal, and soil crust ecology studies: 1988 progress report.

1988MTNHP [Montana Natural Heritage Program]. 1988. Guide to the natural vegetation of Montana [Draft]. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 389 pp.

1988Schassberger, L.A . 1988. Status review of Epipactis gigantea, USDA Forest Service, Region 1, Flathead National Forest. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 42 pp.

1988Schassberger, L.A. 1988. Rare plant inventory of the Outstanding Natural Areas of the Rocky Mountain Front. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management, Great Falls Resource Area. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 32 pp.

1988Schassberger, L.A. 1988. Report on the conservation status of Silene spaldingii, a candidate threatened species. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 71 pp.

1988Schassberger, L.A. 1988. Status review of Astragalus barrii, USDA Forest Service, Region 1, Custer National Forest. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 61 pp.

1988Schassberger, L.A. 1988. Update to the report on the conservation status of Arabis fecunda, a candidate threatened species. Unpublished Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Mt. 36 Pp. Plus Appendices.

1988Shelly, J.S. 1988. Report on the conservation status of Shoshonea pulvinata, a candidate threatened species. Unpublished report prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 36 pp.

1988Shelly, J.S. 1988. Status review of Cypripedium passerinum, U.S. Forest Service, Region 1, Flathead and Lewis & Clark National Forests. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 52 pp.

1988Shelly, J.S. 1988. Status review of Howellia aquatilis, U.S. Forest Service, Region 1, Flathead National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program report to U.S. Forest Service.120 p.

1988Shelly, J.S. 1988. Status review of Lesguerella klausii, USDA Forest Service, Helena and Lewis & Clark National Forests, Montana. Unpubl. Rep., Missoula. 82 pp.

1988Shelly, J.S. 1988. Status review of Lesquerella humilis, United States Forest Service, Region 1, Bitterroot National Forest. Unpublished report to Bitterroot National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 30 pp.

1988Shelly, J.S. 1988. Status review of Lesquerella klausii, United States Forest Service, Region 1, Helena and Lewis and Clark National Forests, Montana. Unpublished report to U.S. Forest Service, Region 1, Missoula. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 82 pp.

1988Shelly, J.S. 1988. Status review of Orchis [Amerorchis] rotundifolia, U.S. Forest Service, Region 1, Flathead and Lewis & Clark National Forests, Montana. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 59 pp.

1988Shelly, J.S. and R. Moseley. 1988. Report on the conservation status of Howellia aquatilis, a candidate threatened species. Helena, MT: MTNHP, unpublished report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver. 166 p.

1987Lesica, P. 1987. The vegetation of acid shale pine forests, Petroleum and Fergus counties, Montana. Unpublished report to The Nature Conservancy, Montana/Wyoming Field Office, Helena, MT. 16 pp.

1987Shelly, J.S. 1987. Status review of Penstemon lemhiensis, U.S. Forest Service - Region 1, Beaverhead and Bitterroot National Forests, Montana. Unpublished report. 67 pp.

1986Shelly, J.S. 1986. Conservation status of Grindelia howellii, a candidate threatened species. Unpubl. Rep. 139 pp.

1986Shelly, J.S. 1986. Report on the conservation status of Grindelia howellii, a candidate threatened species. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 139 pp.

1986Shelly, J.S. 1986. Report on the conservation status of Trisetum orthochaetum, a candidate endangered species. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 41 pp.

1985Lesica, P. 1985. Report on the conservation status of Arabis fecunda, a potential candidate species. 17 Pp. Unpublished.

1984Lesica, P. 1984. Report on the Conservation Status of A. scaphoides, a Candidate Threatened Species (Unpublished).

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