Ecology & Interdisciplinary
 | 2017 | Hart, Melissa and Linda Vance. 2017. Developing a landscape-level reference standard wetland profile for the Prairie Pothole Region, Montana. Report to the US EPA. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MT. 27p. |
 | 2017 | Tobalske, Claudine and Linda Vance. 2017.Predicting the distribution of Russian Olive stands in eastern Montana valley bottoms using NAIP imagery. Report to the US EPA. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MT. 40pp. |
 | 2017 | Westfall, Camie and Linda Vance. 2017. Montana Wetland Index of Alien Impact (IAI). Report to the US EPA. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MT. 93pp. |
 | 2016 | Hahn, Jamul, Claudine Tobalske, Melissa Hart, and Linda Vance. 2016. Montana Wetland Ecological and Vulnerability Prioritization. Report to Montana Department of Environmental Quality and Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 41 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2015 | Hart, M., L. Vance, K. Newlon, J. Chutz and J. Hahn. 2015. Estimating wetland condition locally: An intensification study in the Blackfoot and Swan River watersheds. Report to the US Environmental Protection Agency. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MT. 52 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2015 | Maher, C.T. and C. Tobalske. 2015. Does Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis) have a refuge from Mountain Pine Beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) at treeline? Poster presentation at the Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation Annual Meeting. Ashland, OR. September 18, 2015. |
 | 2015 | Vance, L., C. Tobalske, J. Chutz, and K. Zaret. 2015. Headwater wetlands in the Missouri River Basin of southwestern Montana: characterization and description of their extent, distribution, and condition. Report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. vii + 47 p. |
 | 2014 | Owen, S. 2014. Trends in off-channel fish habitat on the Missouri River below Fort Peck Dam: 1956-2013. Report for FWP Region 6 Fisheries. Montana Natural Heritage Program 19 pp plus appendices |
 | 2014 | Owen, S. and J. Hahn. 2014. Changes in fish habitat on the Missouri River from Fort Peck Dam to the North Dakota state line: 1956-2009. Report to Montana Fish, Wildife and Parks. Helena, (Mont.): Montana Natural Heritage Program. 22 pp. |
 | 2013 | Newlon, K.R., K.M. Ramstead, and J. Hahn. 2013. Southeast Montana Wetland Assessment: Developing and Refining Montana's Wetland Assessment and Monitoring Strategy. Report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 43 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2013 | Vance, L., S. Owen and J. Horton. 2013. Literature review: Hydrology-ecology relationships in Montana Prairie wetlands and intermittent/ephemeral streams. Report to the Cadmus Group and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 49 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2012 | Luna, T., L. Vance and M. Hart. 2012. Restoration Guidelines for Wetlands of the Western Prairie Pothole Region. Report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 123 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2012 | Newlon, K.R. 2012. Southwest Montana Wetland Assessment: Developing a statewide assessment and monitoring strategy for Montana. Report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 39 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2012 | Vance, L.K., K.R. Newlon, J. Lemly, and G. Jones. Assessing the Natural Range of Variability in Minimally Disturbed Wetlands Across the Rocky Mountains: the Rocky Mountain ReMAP Project, May 2012. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MT. 209pp. |
 | 2011 | McIntyre, C., K.R. Newlon, L.K. Vance, and M.D. Burns. 2011. Milk, Marias, and St. Mary monitoring: developing a long-term rotating basin wetland assessment and monitoring strategy for Montana. Helena, MT: Montana Natural Heritage Program. |
 | 2011 | Newlon, K.R., and L.K. Vance. 2011. A reference wetland network for assessment and monitoring of Montana's herbaceous wetlands. Helena, (Mont.): Montana Natural Heritage Program. |
 | 2010 | Newlon, K.R. and M.D. Burns. 2010. Wetlands of the Gallatin Valley: change and ecological functions (revised 2010). Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MT. |
 | 2010 | Stagliano, D.M., and B.A. Maxell. 2010. Aquatic invertebrate species of concern: updated distributions, vital watersheds and predicted sites within USFS northern region lands. Helena (Mont.): Montana Natural Heritage Program. |
 | 2009 | Newlon, K.R. and M.D. Burns. 2009. Wetlands of the Flathead Valley: change and ecological functions. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MT. |
 | 2009 | Vance, L.K. 2009. Assessing Wetland Condition with GIS: A Landscape Integrity Model for Montana. A Report to The Montana Department of Environmental Quality and The Environmental Protection Agency. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 23 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2009 | Vance, L.K. 2009. Geographically isolated wetlands and intermittent/ephemeral streams in Montana: Extent, distribution, and function. Report to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 33 pp. |
 | 2009 | Vance, L.K., K.R. Newlon, J.L. Clarke, and D.M. Stagliano. 2009. Assessment of the Red Rock River subbasin and wetlands of the Centennial Valley. Helena, Mont: Montana Natural Heritage Program. |
 | 2008 | Kudray, G.M., and T. Schemm. 2008. Wetlands of the Bitterroot Valley: Change and ecological functions. Report to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 32 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2008 | Vance, L.K. and D.M. Stagliano. 2008. Watershed Assessment of Portions of the Clark’s Fork Yellowstone, Bighhorn Lake, and Shoshone Subbasins, Montana and Wyoming. Report to the Bureau of Land Management, Montana / Dakotas State Offices. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana 45 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2008 | Vance, Linda. 2008. Land cover/Land use theme planning: A preliminary needs assessment, Final report. 11 pp. |
 | 2007 | Cooper S.V., P. Lesica and G.M. Kudray. 2007. Post-fire Recovery of Wyoming Big Sagebrush Shrub-steppe in Central and Southeast Montana. Report to the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, State Office. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 16 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2007 | Vance, L.K. and D.M. Stagliano. 2007. Watershed assessment of portions of the lower Musselshell and Fork Peck Reservoir subbasins. 41 pp + Appendices |
 | 2006 | Kudray, G.M. and S.V. Cooper. 2006. Montana's Rocky Mountain Front: Vegetation Map and Type Descriptions. Report to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 26 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2006 | Kudray, G.M. and T. Schemm. 2006. Yellowstone River Wetland/Riparian Change Detection Pilot Study. A report to the Custer County Conservation District and the Yellowstone River Conservation District Council . Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 16 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2006 | Stagliano, D.M. 2006. Aquatic Surveys and Assessment of the Slim Buttes Region of Harding and Butte Co., SD. A Report to the Mt and Sd Tnc Field Offices. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 59pp. Plus Appendices. |
 | 2006 | Vance, L.K., D.M. Stagliano, and G.M. Kudray. 2006. Watershed Assessment of the Middle Powder Subbasin, Montana. A report to the Bureau of Land Management, Montana State Office. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 61 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2006 | Vance, L.K., G.M. Kudray, and S.V. Cooper. 2006. Crosswalking National Wetland Inventory attributes to hydrogeomorphic functions and vegetation communities: a pilot study in the Gallatin Valley, Montana. Report to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 37 pp plus appendices. |
 | 2005 | Cooper, S.V., G.M. Kudray, P. Hendricks, B.A. Maxell, W.M. Jones, C. Currier, and S. Lenard. 2005. Inventory of plants, plant communities and herpetofauna of concern in the vicinity of the Snow-Talon burn, Helena National Forest. Prepared for the Helena National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 15 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2005 | Jones, W.M. 2005. A vegetation index of biotic integrity for small-order streams in southwest Montana and a floristic quality assessment for western Montana wetlands. Prepared for Montana Department of Environmental Quality and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 29 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2005 | Kudray, G.M. and S.V. Cooper. 2005. Linking the National Vegetation Classification System to NRCS ecological sites in southeastern Montana. Prepared for the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 18 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2005 | Lesica, P., S.V. Cooper, and G.M. Kudray. 2005. Big sagebrush shrub-steppe postfire succession in southwest Montana. Prepared for U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Dillon Field Office. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 29 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2005 | Vance, L.K. 2005. Watershed assessment of the Cottonwood and Whitewater watersheds. Prepared for the Malta Field Office, Bureau of Land Management, Malta, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 57 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2004 | Cooper, S.V. and W.M. Jones. 2004. A plant community classification for Kootenai National Forest peatlands. Report to the Kootenai National Forest, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 19 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2004 | Crowe, E. 2004. Fire ecology, forest dynamics, and vegetation distribution on Square Butte, Chouteau County, Montana. Helena, MT: Natural Heritage Program. |
 | 2004 | Jones, W.M. 2004. Ecologically significant wetlands in the Missouri headwaters: Jefferson, lower Madison, lower Gallatin, and upper Red Rock River watersheds. Report to the Montana Dept. of Environmental Quality. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT 24 pp + appendices. |
 | 2004 | Jones, W.M. 2004. Using vegetation to assess wetland condition: a multimetric approach for temporarily and seasonally flooded depressional wetlands and herbaceous-dominated intermittent and ephemeral riverine wetlands in the northwestern glaciated plains ecoregion, Montana. Prepared for Montana Department of Environmental Quality and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 34 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2004 | Kudray, G.M., P. Hendricks, E. Crowe, and S.V. Cooper. 2004. Riparian forests of the Wild and Scenic Missouri River: ecology and management. Prepared for Lewistown Field Office, Bureau of Land Management, Lewistown, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 29 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2003 | Carlson, J.C. and S.V. Cooper. 2003. Plant and animal resources and ecological condition of the Hanging Woman Basin in Big Horn County, Montana and Sheridan County, Wyoming. Prepared for Padlock Ranch and the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 25 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2003 | Cooper, S.V. 2003. Assessment of Kootenai National Forest vegetation types with potential for Silene spaldingii in the Tobacco Plains, Rexford Bench and Salish Range foothills. Unpublished report to Kootenai National Forest, Supervisor's Office. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 33 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2003 | Cooper, S.V. and W.M. Jones, 2003. Site descriptions of high quality wetlands derived from existing literature sources. Prepared for: The Montana Department of Environmental Quality. Montana Natural Heritage Program. |
 | 2003 | Crowe, E. and G.M. Kudray. 2003. Wetland assessment of the Whitewater watershed. Prepared for the Malta Field Office, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Malta, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 34 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2003 | Jones, W.M. 2003. Kootenai National Forest peatlands: description and effects of forest management. Report to the Kootenai National Forest, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 14 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2003 | Jones, W.M. 2003. Milk and lower Marias River watersheds: assessing and maintaining the health of wetland communities. Prepared for The Bureau of Reclamation. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 17 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2002 | Heidel, B.L., C. Jean, and S.R. Crispin. 2002. Plant species of concern and plant associations of Powder River County, Montana. Report to the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 23 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2002 | Jean, C., P. Hendricks, M. Jones, S. Cooper, and J. Carlson. 2002. Ecological communities on the Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge: inventory and review of aspen and wetland systems. Report to Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge. |
 | 2002 | Jones, W.M., and D.P. Hendricks. 2002. Ecological inventory of wetland sites in the Thompson-Fisher Conservation Easement. Report to the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 23p. |
 | 2002 | Montana Natural Heritage Program. 2002. 2002 Ecological Communities for Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 17 pp. |
 | 2001 | Cooper, S.V. and C. Jean. 2001. Wildfire succession in plant communities natural to the Alkali Creek vicinity, Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge, Montana. Unpublished report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 32 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2001 | Cooper, S.V., C. Jean, and P. Hendricks. 2001. Biological survey of a prairie landscape in Montana's glaciated plains. Report to the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 24 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2001 | Jean, C. 2001. Quality assurance report on exotic plants: EMAP western pilot field sites in Montana, report to the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 4 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2001 | Jean, C. and P. Hendricks. 2001. Lund easement baseline biological inventory. Report to the Natural Resource Conservation Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 15 p. plus appendices. |
 | 2001 | Jean, C. and S. Crispin. 2001. Inventory of important biological resources in the upper Yellowstone River watershed. Report to Environmental Protection Agency. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 26 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 2001 | Jones, M. 2001. Ecologically significant wetlands in the upper Yellowstone River watershed, including the Boulder, Clarks Fork Yellowstone, Shields, and Stillwater River drainages. Report to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. |
 | 2000 | Cooper, S.V., J. Greenlee, and C. Jean. 2000. Ecologically significant wetlands in the North Fork Flathead River watershed. Montana Department of Environmental Quality by the Montana Natural Heritage Program. |
 | 2000 | Greenlee, J. and M. Jones. 2000. Ecological inventory of wetland sites in the Thompson Chain of Lakes and vicinity. Unpublished report to the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MT. 21 pp. |
 | 2000 | Heidel, B.L., S.V. Cooper and C. Jean. 2000. Plant species of special concern and plant associations of Sheridan County, Montana. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana. 96 p. |
 | 1999 | Comer, P. (editor), L. Allen, S. Cooper, D. Faber-Langendoen, and G. Jones. 1999. Selected shrubland and grassland communities of the northern Great Plains. Report to the Nebraska National Forest. The Nature Conservancy. |
 | 1999 | Cooper, S.V. and B.L. Heidel. 1999. Biodiversity and representativeness of research natural areas on national wildlife refuges in Montana, designated areas within Benton Lake, Charles M. Russell, Lake Mason, Medicine Lake, and Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuges: final report. Unpublished report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 63 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 1999 | Cooper, S.V., C. Jean, and B.L. Heidel. 1999. Plant associations and related botanical inventory of the Beaverhead Mountains Section, Montana. Unpublished report to the Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 235 pp. |
 | 1999 | Greenlee, J.T. 1999. Ecologically significant wetlands in the Flathead, Stillwater, and Swan River valleys. Unpublished report to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 192 pp. |
 | 1997 | Cooper, S.V., and B.L. Heidel. 1997. Population status and ecology of trembling aspen and black cottonwood communities on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. Prepared for the Blackfeet Nation-Fish and Wildlife Department and the USDI Fish & Wildlife Service by Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. |
 | 1997 | Lesica, P. and S.V. Cooper. 1997. Presettlement vegetation of southern Beaverhead County. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 35 pp. |
 | 1995 | Cooper, Stephen V., Peter Lesica, and Deborah S. Page-Dumroese. 1995. Plant community classification for alpine vegetation on the Beaverhead National Forest, Montana. Ogden, UT (324 25th Street, Ogden 84401): U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. |
 | 1995 | Shapley, M.D. 1995. Geologic, geomorphic and chemical characteristics of wetlands selected for use in biocriteria development by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality. Unpublished report to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Division. Montana Natural Heritage Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 76 pp. plus appendices. |
 | 1994 | Lesica, P. 1994. Vegetation map of the rare plant community types in the Pryor Mountains and Pryor Mountain desert, Carbon County, Montana. Unpublished report for the Miles City District, Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 6 pp. plus 6 map sheets. |
 | 1992 | Cooper, S. V. and P. Lesica. 1992. Plant community classification for alpine vegetation on the Beaverhead National Forest, Montana. Report submitted to the Beaverhead National Forest, Dillon, MT. 80 pp. |
 | 1992 | DeVelice, R.L. 1992. Classification of the plant communities of Beaverhead, Silver Bow, and Madison Counties, Montana. Volume One (text). Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 35 pp. |
 | 1991 | DeVelice, R.L. 1991. MTNHP site and community survey manual. Version 91B. Mont. Nat. Heritage Pro., Helena, Mont. |
 | 1990 | Cooper, S. V. and P. Lesica. 1990. Alpine plant communities of the Beaverhead, Gravelly and Snowcrest Ranges of southwest Montana. Unpublished report submitted to the Beaverhead National Forest, Dillon, Montana. |
 | 1987 | Lesica, P. 1987. Conservation status of glaciated pothole prairie in Montana. The Nature Conservancy, Montana/Wyoming Field Office. 21 pp. |
 | 1987 | Lesica, P. 1987. The vegetation and conservation status of upland hardwood forests in eastern Montana. Unpublished report to The Nature Conservancy, Montana/Wyoming Field Office, Helena, MT. 15 pp. |
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