Animal Observation Entry Tool
Current User:
Selected Location:

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You can also use one of the other submission methods listed here.

Or you can send your data via email directly to Bryce Maxell.

LOGIN with your MapViewer account


OR if you don't have a login

The following information is required so we can contact you
if we have any questions about your submitted sightings.

Your Name:

Pan/Zoom, then Click to place the marker where you made your Animal observations.

Or Find the Location manually


Select the section
if desired, or leave
blank to select the
entire Township.
Clicking on a section
again will toggle it off.
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Location Comments

The more precise Location info you provide,
the more valuable the record will be.
- 1 mile WSW of Rock Creek Fire Lookout
- Subdivision details of Section;

Enter your Animal Observations for this Location

Obs Date
Species Comments
Habitat Comments
Photo (optional)

(.jpg, .gif, .bmp, .png, .tif)
(less than 10mb)